The Foray into Third Series

8.11.14 Poses in ashtanga yoga feel like gifts, and sometimes you feel like you don’t deserve a gift. But you accept it anyway, as best and graciously as you can. My teacher David gave me Vasisthasana today. It was not a complete surprise, as he had mentioned that pose when I practiced the day before…

The Bittersweetness of Finishing the Intermediate Series

4/8/14 — I finished the Second Series today, and I suppose that I should celebrate, but instead I came into and out of practice somewhat humbled. Finishing the Second Series feels like a milestone and I wish that I could write about just postures themselves; but to leave out the other context of my experience would…

Fine-tuning in Kapotasana

I don’t think that anyone ever looks forward to Kapotasana with unbridled eagerness. Whenever I come up to this pose, I think, “Okay, here we go…” and say a little prayer to myself (aka, please don’t hurt me too much). That being said, I do believe that one can arrive at this posture without the…

That Kind of Day…

It was that kind of day today. The day when your practice…sucked. What an irony, as I wrote blissfully about the interior experience of the Intermediate Series the other day. Today was an interior experience of hell. I wake up around 4 usually as I have to be into work by 7. Usually, between 4-4:45am,…

Returning Home

You would think that the return home would be easy. After all, parts of me were longing for familiar Western comforts, and the comforts of my own home: my own soft bed, bathroom, raw food and water that are safe to drink, safer driving conditions…to name a few. And, I have had more meltdown moments,…

My Meltdown Moment in Mysore

I have been warned that people will have their “moments” when practicing in Mysore. Claudia’s awesome blog about staying in Mysore also has a story about her meltdown moment, which you can read by clicking here. Mine came on the third day, on Monday. Sharath had made an announcement that we will have a led…