First days at Mysore

Let me just begin by saying that the trip alone to Mysore is an Oddyssean journey. From California, the trek to study with Sharath consisted of 4 parts: First leg: the flight from San Diego to Chicago which was delayed by one hour, which put me at risk of missing all of my other connecting…

Countdown to Mysore

Next week I fly to Mysore, India…it seems pretty unbelievable! I’m going for my research project but also for myself, in a way. To really connect with yoga practice from the deepest source. My little suitcase is packed but of course I find more things to bring, so maybe I will need a bigger suitcase.…

Going to Mysore

When I first heard the word “Mysore”, I thought, “How strange!” This was two and half years ago, when I began to venture into my first Mysore practice after taking a few Led Beginner classes at the studio. Mysore class was very intimidating! I walked into a huge sweaty room, filled with yogis in various…

Karandavasana Part III: Coming Back up

So, this post may be a disappointment to some readers because it is not really about coming back up from Karandavasana. It’s about trying to come up, and it is from a female perspective…women are definitely a bit more handicapped in this pose. As you can guess, I am still working on Karandavasana. There has been…

Karandavasana, Part II: Landing the Duck

So I continue my journey with Karandavasana. This post will be a bit brief, short, maybe stream of consciousness since I crashed down in practice and have been feeling a bit loopy ever since. I’ll save that part for later. Anyways, this week, I managed to get into a tighter lotus, and my right knee…

Karandavasana — in my case, the falling duck…

So, I have been working on karandavasana for the past 2 months now, after finally being able to secure a stable Pincha Mayurasana for about 10 breaths, before exiting into chataranga. In Pincha, I kick up and imagine stacking my spine and then my sit-bones right above my head, trusting gravity a little bit. I…

Led Intermediate with Sharath = Super Intensity!

It is about 4:20 pm, six hours after surviving Sharath’s Led Intermediate — the first one I have ever taken — and my arms are still noodles, and my back is still sore. Of course, there will be other muscles complaining in due time. We have begun Week 2 of Sharath’s workshop while he and…